
Journal entries from a book that has already been written. Bogota '95-'99.

Monday, November 22, 2004


Mike's 38th birthday. It's been five years now since we've spoken, and although he's just been a shit, I miss him. I wish I knew why he broke away from everyone. I wish I knew why he wanted this self-loathing that is so classically Mike. Yet, despite all this, I do feel a sense of longing for him. And I wonder where he is, what he's doing, what he's thinking. And why he's still being such a shit.

I'm look forward to taking a nice vacation in December. I think I deserve one. So strange how things have changed. In high school, wait all year to come here for a month. Now, I wait here all year to go back fo rjust under a month. I wonder if I 'll have some other kooky cycle that sometime. Must rent Amityville Horror tomorrow for class.

Happy Birthday Mike
Do you remember me on mine?
Do you wonder what I look like?
Are you curious to where I am?
What I'm doing?
Do you still care?

I do.


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